Wednesday, October 24, 2007

World Series Anticipation

As an avid Red Sox fan, a diehard fanatic some would say, I have waited for and anticipated this day since 2004. Today, the Red Sox will return to the World Series, this time playing the Colorado Rockies. This is something I've waited all season for. I try to watch every game all year. Although I was not able to see every single one, I didn't miss more than a dozen, I would guesstimate.

These are my reasons why I think the Red Sox will beat the Rockies.

1. The curse was broken in 2004, so no more blown opportunities, a la Bill Buckner or Bucky Dent.
2. The Rockies do not have the experience the Red Sox do.
3. Terry Francona.
4. Big Papi and Manny.
5. Josh Beckett, the best pitcher in baseball currently.
6. 4 games at home.
7. The Rockies have had 8 days off, which is good for their pitchers, but very bad for their batters, which is where their strength is.
8. The Red Sox rarely have slumps, and they just got over one during games 2, 3, and 4 against Cleveland, so they won't be due again for a long time.
9. Jacoby Ellsbury. This young man is electrifying those who have seen him play, including his own teamates.
10. The American League has won, like, the last gazillion World Series.
11. The Red Sox defense.
12. The Red Sox won the 2004 World Series on the night of a lunar eclipse. Game 6 happens to be scheduled for Halloween. Thus, my prediction: The Red Sox win in 6.
13. My lucky shirt will be clean and ready to wear if the Sox get behind in the series, as it was for games 5, 6, and 7 of the Cleveland series.
14. The Rockies have won 20 of the last 21. Their luck is due to change, and at just the right moment.
15. Because I said so.

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