Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Day of Decorating for Christmas

Cara and I spent yesterday decorating the house for the Christmas season. We decorated 2 Christmas trees, put up many, many decorations, and set up several Nativities. And it was only November 17th.

Too early? Nonsense! Refer to my earlier post, "Too Early For Christmas" for my response to that.

Now, to what we did. We have two artificial Christmas trees we purchased last year. We keep them up so long that it is not practical to use real trees, even though they smell wonderful. To partly make up for the lack of scent, we often burn scented candles, either evergreen or balsam, or something similar. One of the trees is decorated with rustic, old fashioned decoration and Cara did an amazing job with it. That tree sits in front of our living room bay window and has colorful lights.

The other tree, the taller of the two, sits just on the living room side of our archway that separates the living room with the dining room. This one has all our other Christmas tree decorations. We added some new ones this year, including the Disney World 2007 decoration we bought to remind us of our trip there this past August. The decoration that brought tears to my eyes was the simple wooden dog bone decoration with the name "Washington" on it. Washington was my German Shepard/Golden Retriever/Wolf Hybrid mix that we had for 13 years and that died last month. Washington was a Christmas present to myself back in 1994, when I adopted her a couple days before Christmas when she was just a puppy. This will be the first Christmas without Washington since I first moved into this house the very day I adopted her.

Cara has a huge collection of snowmen, that invade our home this time every year. We have several Nativity sets we have set up. I have yet to set up my huge nativity, and I am searching for a space large enough for it. We also have not yet done the outside lights. That will come soon and will probably be my responsibility.

I will try to post some photos of some of our decorations in the next few days, including the outside when we get that part done.

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