Saturday, June 07, 2008

Camp Kieve a Positive Experience

Last week the entire eighth grade at my school went to Camp Kieve for two days and one night. It was part of their Leadership School, an adventure-based education teaching kids to take healthy challenges. It involves kids climbing on a high ropes course, among many other activities. We actually stayed at Camp Kieve's sister camp across the lake, Camp Wavus. It is an absolutely beautiful campus, right on the lake, with the ropes course located out on a narrow peninsula, with water on all sides. One of the activities involves a giant swing, where students are hoisted thirty-five feet into the air and they swing out over the water.

As a long-time sixth grade teacher, I have always known that the Camp Kieve experience was a positive one, where students came back saying how much fun they had, etc. Until last year, I had no idea just how much personal growth each student returned with. They are able to challenge themselves at any level they choose. I have never seen a program where every student walks away having gotten so much out of the experience. Most were able to do things they never thought they would be able to do. Perhaps they climbed 15 feet off the ground. Maybe they climbed all the way up a tree and walked across a six inch wide pole, 40 feet off the ground. Maybe they paddled a canoe for the first time. Maybe they rode the giant swing. Maybe they just watched, but stayed overnight away from home for the first time. Whatever the challenge, no matter how much gumption it took to meet that challenge, no student was left unchanged. I strongly believe that this camp, this program, has changed the lives of many a young person. I have also been changed by the experience.

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